Magic Soul Beings

A soul being is a wonderful, magical life companion. Healing can happen energetically through it. The soul being carries the soul energy of the human who invites it to himself/ herself.

Through a spiritual inspiration that I share with you, the soul being emerges through my creating act of felting and becomes visible on this earth. Magic happens!

In the meditative process of felting, I follow my inspirations lovingly and with deep devotion and connect with your unique soul energy, which is reflected lightful in your soul being.

The creation process takes place peacefully in many steps, which I design with great care. The elements I use, such as gemstones and natural materials, are integrated by me and the felt clothing is lovingly hand-embroidered.

The energy that the perfected soul being then radiates is full of deep purity. The soul being cleanses the energy in your home, also increasing the vibration through the gemstones the soul being carries. It lets you be how you are and brings a lot of light, love and joy into your life.

I look forward creating one for you, just click here.

Bright greetings, Daniela

Îsenbart King of the Crystal Realm

Herbal witch

Wyrtwalla – chakra soul being

Barda the celtic bard

Archangel Metatron

Godess - Bridget


Celtic Smith

Elv Rosalia

Elv Eladan

King Friedensreich




Flower Being

Sun Being

Heart Chakra Being